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Master's Degree Curriculum

Code  Name  Credits  Theoretical  Practical  Syllabus 
FMM732  Research Seminars I  3.0  45  0  Presentation, discussion, and monitoring of dissertation projects and subjects pertinent to ongoing research, including methods, techniques, and equipment used. 
FMM735  Scientific Methodology  4.0  60  0  Concepts of Science; phases of the scientific method; experimental planning; experimental quantification; scientific investigation in humans; dissemination of scientific facts; perspectives; bibliographic research; presentation of scientific papers. 
FMM740  Dissertation Seminar I  1.0  5  10  Activities related to the development of students' dissertation research projects, in the form of seminars, directed studies, collective readings, and discussions about the methodology of research work. 
PAB709  Clinical Bioethics  2.0  30  0  Main theoretical frameworks associated with Clinical Bioethics. Methods for analysis and decision-making on moral issues related to health care. Ethics and bioethics committees in health units. Microallocation of resources. Moral issues throughout the life cycle. 
Code  Name  Credits  Theoretical  Practical  Syllabus 
FMM741  Dissertation Seminar II  1.0  5  10  Activities related to the development of students' dissertation research projects in the form of seminars, directed studies, collective readings, and discussions about research methodology. 
Research Seminars II  4.0  60  0  Presentation, discussion, and monitoring of dissertation projects and subjects pertinent to ongoing research, including methods, techniques, and equipment used. 
 FMM770  Teaching Training  2.0  10  20  Student participation in practical and theoretical teaching in the undergraduate medicine program at HUCFF (physicians) and in clinical scenarios (non-physicians), aimed at acquiring experience for their teaching activities. 
 FMS726  Medical Biostatistics  2.0  30  0  Descriptive statistics. Basics of probability; binomial, Poisson, and normal distributions. Statistical interference. Hypothesis testing. Contingency tables. Linear regression. 
Code  Name  Credits  Theoretical  Practical  Syllabus 
FMM742  Dissertation Seminar III  1.0  5  10 Activities related to the development of students' dissertation research projects in the form of seminars, directed studies, collective readings, and discussions about research methodology.
FMM796  Clinical Epidemiology  2.0  10  20 General concepts of epidemiology. Developing a critical view of the literature. Understanding the main strategies for bibliographic research. Measures of frequency and association. Designs of epidemiological studies. Special topics in Epidemiology. Health Information Systems. Health indicators. Environment and its relationship with the health/disease process.
NUT732  Curriculum Planning and Teaching in Health Area  4.0  60  0 Evolution of the training process for health professionals. Analysis of key innovative experiences and current trends. Relationship between society and the education and health sectors. Human resource training and the job market. Educational objectives. Logical organization of the curriculum content. Types of information for curriculum planning. Educational assessment. Learning experiences. Course schedule. Study planning techniques. Information recording.


Code  Name  Credits  Theoretical Practical  Syllabus 
FMM708  Dissertation Research 0.0 0 0 This course, which does not confer credits or workload, represents the research work developed by the master's student in conjunction with the advisor, and serves to maintain the student's enrollment in the Integrated Academic Management System (SIGA).


Code  Name  Credit  Theoretical  Practical  Syllabi 
 FMM724   Elastography in Hepato II  1.0 15   The elastography in hepatology course aims to address the two techniques of liver elastography: transient elastography (TE) and two-dimensional elastography using real-time ultrasound. 
FMM727  New Approaches in Gastro I  1.0  15  0  Relevant topics in gastroenterology and digestive endoscopy will be presented through clinical sessions with an emphasis on new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches based on a systematic review of the current literature. 
 FMM728   New Approaches in Gastro II  1.0  15  0  Relevant topics in gastroenterology and digestive endoscopy will be presented through clinical sessions with an emphasis on new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches based on a systematic review of the current literature. 
FMM730  Transdisciplinary Seminar  1.0 15 0  An integrative seminar bringing together postgraduate programs linked to the Medical School, discussing issues pertinent to various areas, subareas, and research lines. Presence of international guests and presentations in Portuguese and English. 
FMM731  Fundamentals of Clinical Research Methodology  1.0  15  0  Scientific thinking - hypothesis - study models - experimental studies - basic elements of descriptive statistics - ethics in research - regulation in clinical research - how to constitute a clinical research center - good clinical practices 
FMM733  Diagnostic Test Evaluation Methods 3.0 45 0 Provide conceptual foundations of epidemiology applied to diagnostic test evaluation methods, focusing on a practical approach to the fundamentals of biostatistics used for validation of diagnostic tests, including practical demonstrations on computers.
FMM754  Article Writing Workshop  3.0 10  35   Preparation of articles for disseminating the results of thesis work at the master's or doctoral level. Choosing the title. How to prepare the abstract. What should be included in the introduction. Appropriate use of tables and graphs. The importance of discussion. 
FMM755  Infection in Cancer: Innovations 2.0 30 0 This course offers a comprehensive and integrated approach to studying infections in immunosuppressed patients, utilizing scientific methodologies and advanced teaching technologies to promote excellence in research and clinical practice.
FMM756  Scientific Bases of Lung Diseases 4.0 10 50 Not registered.
FMM758  Technology Incorporation Assessment in Health 2.0 30 0 The course aims to train postgraduate students in technology incorporation assessment in the health sector, generating multipliers by promoting the use of appropriate tools for decision-making on the use and diffusion of health technologies.
FMM760  International Seminar 1.0 15 0 This innovative seminar aims to provide updated information on internal medicine and related subspecialties, as well as in-depth discussion on biomedical, clinical, and basic research techniques related to these subspecialties. 
FMM772  Elastography in Hepatology I  1.0 15   The elastography in hepatology course aims to address the two techniques of liver elastography: transient elastography (TE) and two-dimensional elastography using real-time ultrasound. 
FMM777  Medical Residency Integration  4.0 12  48   The on-the-job training (medical residency) with a minimum total workload of 5,600 hours in programs accredited by the National Medical Residency Commission will qualify the master's student to enroll in this discipline. 
IQB730  Innovation (Transversal Discipline)  3.0 45   * Transversal Discipline. Concept of innovation. Economic importance of innovation for individuals, firms, and the development of nations. Strategies and environment for innovation. Planning and development of innovation. Opportunities to innovate. Intellectual property, industrial property. Legal aspects of innovation in Brazil. Relationship with private initiative and society. Resource mobilization. Social innovation. Innovation in the public sector. 
NUT704  Scientific Methodology  4.0 60   Not registered. 
PAB703  Introduction to Ethics in Research 2.0 30 0 Philosophical aspects of ethics in research. Principlist approach to bioethics. Brazilian regulations on ethics in research. Current challenges for the development of science and ethics in research. Studies on ethics in research.
PUP707  Medical Genetics 2.0 0 30 Dive deeper into knowledge related to genetics in medical practice, where students will be guided: 1) Proper use of tools for the diagnosis of genetic syndromes: 2) Specialized clinical follow-up (appropriate for the most common genetic syndromes): 3) Genetic counseling.
PUP714  Flow Cytometry - Fun B.apl 1.0 15 0 Basic principles of flow cytometer fundamentals: optical systems, fluid systems, data processing for main applications in the clinic.
PUP719  Inherited Metabolic Disorders 2.0 0 30 Deepen knowledge related to inherited metabolic disorders, covering: 1) Tools for diagnosis: 2) Adequate clinical follow-up: 3) Treatment with an emphasis on enzyme replacement therapy.
SMI715  Data Analysis Plan 2.0 40 0 I. INTRODUCTION Considering that research in biomedicine relies on the production of scientifically consistent evidence, and that this consistency is evaluated by a community of researchers who follow procedures capable of generating hypotheses to be tested in an attempt to appropriately answer their research questions, structuring a data analysis plan is fundamental for constructing solid scientific evidence. OBJECTIVES The aim of this discipline is to enable the student to build a data analysis plan based on their research project. II. CONTENT Basic concepts and methods: The goal is to present the main procedures for developing a data analysis plan based on the research question, study design, objectives and outcomes, and exposure and control variables (adjustment). The student should be able to coordinate the main knowledge acquired in the basic master’s courses to develop a data analysis plan consistent with their research project. III. TEACHING METHODOLOGY Seminars The teaching method is based on seminars where the main concepts for developing a data analysis plan are addressed through demonstration in SPSS using databases from the instructor or students. IV. ATTENDANCE Mandatory attendance is equal to or greater than 75% of the course instruction time. The attendance list must be signed by the student in the first thirty minutes after the start of each course activity. V. EVALUATION The evaluation will be based on student participation during the seminars and the individual data analysis plan analysis of each student. VI. TEACHING MATERIAL All teaching material used in the course will be available to students in the IPPMG library or in a link to be provided at the beginning of the course. VII. PREREQUISITES The student must have been admitted to PPGSMI and have an ongoing research project. They must have completed either the epidemiology or statistics course.

Doctorate Curriculum

Code  Name  Credit  Theoretical Practical  Syllabus 
FMM826 Research Seminars I  4.0  60  0 Presentation, discussion, and monitoring of thesis projects and relevant ongoing research topics, including methods, techniques, and equipment used.
FMM830 Research Methodology I  4.0  60  0 Guidance and improvement of research methodologies for projects and topics related to the thesis in development with the supervisor.
FMM845 Scientific Teaching Practice I  4.0  60  0 Train doctoral students in guiding scientific work of undergraduate or master's students as part of their learning as future researchers.
  Total Credits 12.0      
Code  Name  Credits  Theoretical  Practical  Syllabus 
FMM827 Research Seminars II  4.0 60  10 Presentation, discussion, and monitoring of thesis projects and relevant ongoing research topics, including methods, techniques, and equipment used.
Research Methodology II  4.0  60  0 Guidance and improvement of research methodologies for projects and topics related to the thesis in development with the supervisor.
FMM846 Scientific Teaching Practice II  4.0 60  20 Train doctoral students in guiding scientific work of undergraduate or master's students as part of their learning as future researchers.
 PAB809 Clinical Bioethics  2.0  30  0 Main theoretical references associated with Clinical Bioethics. Methods for analyzing and making decisions on moral issues related to healthcare. Ethics and bioethics committees in health units. Microallocation of resources. Moral issues throughout the life cycle.
  Total Credits 16.0      
Code  Name  Credit  Theoretical  Practical  Syllabus 
FMM835 Research Seminars III  4.0  60  0 Presentation, discussion, and monitoring of thesis projects and relevant ongoing research topics, including methods, techniques, and equipment used.
  Total Credits 4.0      


Code  Name  Credit  Theoretical Practical  Syllabus 
FMM808 Thesis Research 0.0 0 0 This course, which does not confer credit or class hours, represents the research work developed by the doctoral student in collaboration with the advisor, and serves to maintain the student's enrollment in the Integrated Academic Management System (SIGA).


Code  Name  Credit  Theoretical  Practical  Syllabus 
FMM813 International Seminar  1.0 15  This innovative seminar aims to provide updated information on internal medicine topics and related subspecialties, along with extensive discussion on biomedical, clinical, and basic research techniques related to these subspecialties.
FMM814 AC Seminar in Medicine  1.0  15  0 This seminar aims to provide updated information on internal medicine topics and related subspecialties, along with extensive discussion on biomedical, clinical, and basic research techniques related to these subspecialties.
 FMM817 Dermatology Special Topics  2.0  10  20 Understand the histopathology of normal skin and its appendages and the alterations occurring in the most common dermatological diseases in medical practice; stimulate discussion of research projects on disease mechanisms, clinical aspects, diagnosis, and treatment of skin conditions and their appendages; theoretical lectures in Dermatology disciplines.
FMM836 Transdisciplinary Seminar 1.0 15 0 Integrative seminar bringing together graduate programs linked to the Faculty of Medicine, discussing issues pertinent to various areas, subareas, and research lines. Featuring international guests and presentations in Portuguese and English.
FMM851 Infection in Cancer: Innovations 2.0 30 0 This course offers a comprehensive and integrated approach to studying infections in immunocompromised patients, using scientific methodologies and advanced teaching technologies to promote excellence in research and clinical practice.
IQB730 Innovation (Transversal Discipline) 3.0 45   * Transversal Discipline. Concept of innovation. Economic importance of innovation for the individual, the firm, and the development of nations. Strategies and environment for innovation. Planning and development of innovation. Opportunities for innovation. Intellectual property, industrial property. Legal aspects of innovation in Brazil. Relationship with the private sector and society. Fundraising. Social innovation. Innovation in the public sector.
 PAB803  Introduction to Ethics in Research  2.0 10  20   The emergence of Bioethics. Streams of Bioethics. Education and Bioethics. Patient rights. Autonomy. Communication of diagnosis. End of life. Euthanasia and dysthanasia. Palliative care. Bioethics of the beginning of life. Ethics in human research. Ethics in experiments with animals. 
 SMI715  Data Analysis Plan  2.0 40   I. INTRODUCTION Considering that biomedical research is based on the production of scientifically consistent evidence and that this consistency is evaluated by a community of researchers who follow procedures capable of generating hypotheses to be tested in order to adequately respond to their research questions, structuring a data analysis plan is fundamental for building solid scientific evidence. OBJECTIVES The objective of this course is to enable students to construct the data analysis plan based on their research project. II. CONTENT Basic concepts and methods: The goal is to present the main procedures for the elaboration of a data analysis plan based on the research question, study design, objectives, outcomes, and exposure and control (adjustment) variables. Students should be able to coordinate the main knowledge acquired in the basic master's courses to produce a data analysis plan consistent with their research project. III. TEACHING METHODOLOGY Seminars The teaching method is based on seminars where the main concepts for preparing a data analysis plan are covered through demonstration in SPSS using either the instructor's or students' databases. IV. ATTENDANCE Mandatory attendance is equal to or greater than 75% of the teaching time of the course. The attendance list must be signed by the student within the first thirty minutes after the start of each instructional activity of the course. V. EVALUATION Evaluation will be based on students' participation during the seminars and on the analysis of each student's individual data analysis plan. VI. TEACHING MATERIAL All teaching materials used in the course will be available for students in the IPPMG library or through a link to be provided at the beginning of the course. VII. PREREQUISITES Students must have been approved for entry into the PPGSMI and have an ongoing research project. They must have taken either the epidemiology or statistics course. 
  Credits to fulfill  0.0      