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Publications must be made only in indexed journals with an impact factor (both for master's and doctoral degrees).
For the master's degree, the article does not need to be accepted. However, after the defense, if it has not been submitted, the article must be submitted within 60 days of the required corrections for the dissertation's amendment.

For the doctoral degree, the article must be at least accepted. Ideally, it should already be published, and having more than one article is encouraged.
Doctoral students with more than one article may opt for the simplified thesis model, presenting the articles as the main part of the text.

Only one published article is required for the defense. However, having more than one will further contribute to the Program.

For the simplified format, at least two articles are required: one as the core of the simplified thesis and one or more secondary articles as annexes.

The simplified format differs from the traditional one in terms of size and content. In the simplified version, the student presents the same pre-textual elements as in the traditional format, followed by an introduction (without a literature review), hypothesis, and objectives. Then, the full article is included, followed by a final discussion, which may be more flexible or comprehensive, incorporating other products (or articles) from the doctoral research. If new references are included, they must be listed at the end, regardless of those already appearing in the published (or accepted) articles.
