Guidelines and templates for scheduling dissertation/thesis defense.
Please read all documents carefully; if you do not find the answer in the attachments, kindly contact the Program via email.
Scheduling Defenses
Documents for the defense must be sent 45 (forty-five) days in advance of the defense to the Program's email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) in a single email, including:
- Tax ID (issued through the Federal Revenue site);
- ID (driver's license will be accepted only if it shows place of birth);
- Military service certificate (for men);
- Voter registration;
- Birth or marriage certificate;
- Undergraduate diploma for master's and doctoral candidates;
- Master's diploma for doctoral candidates;
- Unofficial course transcript (obtained through SIGA);
- Qualification exam: 02 faculty members with a Doctorate or equivalent, linked to the Program or external (they may or may not be part of the defense committee);
- Form DE-05 (approval of the defense committee): the data entered here will be reproduced in the digital process - include the Lattes curriculum of each member (members without a Lattes curriculum will not be accepted) and the data from the Proficiency Exam;
- Registration of External Members: for all members who are not professors in the Medical Clinic program, including external advisors (if uncertain about the faculty member's affiliation, we suggest filling it out for all).
Note: These documents must each be in a PDF file. Those that have front and back should be in a single file containing both sides.
The date and time of the defense must be included in the scheduling email, along with the location or link for access to the videoconference of the defense, which will be publicly disclosed by the Program. The Program does not provide remote platforms for online defenses. The defense cannot be scheduled without this information.
To book an auditorium or rooms at HU, contact the CAE, the department responsible for reservations located on the 12th floor (extensions: 3938-2824/6010). The Program does not participate in reserving rooms or spaces for the defense.
Composition of the Committee:
Master's Committee - 05 Members in total:
- 03 full members (at least 01 must be a permanent member of the program and 01 external) + 02 alternate members (at least 01 must be a permanent member of the program and 01 external).
- Chair of the committee: must be 01 member of the program.
Master's candidates must have the article in submission format to defend.
Doctoral Committee - 07 Members in total:
- 05 full members (at least 01 must be a permanent member of the program and 02 external) + 02 alternate members (at least 01 must be a permanent member of the program and 01 external).
- Chair of the committee: must be 01 member of the program.
- The Principal Advisor may participate as Chair and will be one of the 05 full members.
Doctoral candidates must email the acceptance or publication of the article to defend.
Note: If the defense is remote or hybrid, the faculty members must send a declaration of agreement for remote defense from each committee member.
Dissertation/Thesis Defense Examination Board Approval Form
Doctoral Thesis Qualifying Examination
Master's Dissertation Qualifying Exam
Declaration of Agreement with the Remote Dissertation/Thesis Defense