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Post-Doc Application - Guidelines and Model Documents

The regulations are available below for clarification. We have highlighted a few items below to make the process easier, but it is mandatory to read the entire document.

The list of documents below must be sent in a single e-mail to the Program.

In order to apply for the PIPD, the interested party must submit the following documentation to the Postgraduate Program Coordination:
a) application form;
b) research project and activity plan to be developed;
c) letter of consent from the post-doctoral supervisor;
d) curriculum vitae of the postdoctoral candidate;
e) proof of doctoral degree;
f) copy of identity document or, if foreign, passport.

With this documentation, we can submit the application for approval to the Program's Deliberative Committee.

ficheiro pdf Application Form - Post-Doctorate

ficheiro pdf CEPG Resolution CEPG 04/2018

ficheiro pdf CEPG Resolution No. 01 of April 9, 2021
