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27 08 ppgcm corpo do artigo silhuetaGraduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in 1996, with a medical residency in Nephrology from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) in 2000, a master's degree in Medicine (Nephrology) from UERJ in 2002, and a PhD in Biological Sciences (Renal Physiology) from the Carlos Chagas Filho Institute of Biophysics at UFRJ in 2006. Currently an Assistant Professor of Nephrology (20h) at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) and a Nephrologist (40h) at the Nephrology Service/Renal Pathophysiology Laboratory at HUCFF-UFRJ. Also a collaborating professor in the Graduate Program in Clinical Medicine at the UFRJ Medical School. Sub-investigator in Clinical Trials at the Antônio Rodrigues de Mello Center for Paramyloidosis (CEPARM) at HUCFF-UFRJ. Coordinator of the Nephrology Graduate Program at the Atlantic Sea Medicine Institute (IMMA-RJ). Has experience in Medicine, with an emphasis on Nephrology and Renal Physiology, mainly working on the following topics: electrolyte and acid-base disorders, renal tubulopathies, and chronic kidney disease.

